EMR Software
Document the Way You’re Supposed To
As the Physical Therapy EMR designed by therapists, for therapists, WebPT aligns with rehab therapy workflows, allowing you to easily create custom evaluation profiles, complete auto-scored outcome measurement tools, and choose from the most current evidence-based tests available.

Keep your practice compliant with ever-changing rules and regulations.
Medicare and other entities introduce new requirements and mandates all the time—and our in-house compliance experts make sure our physical therapy documentation software is always updated to account for the latest rules. Our bevy of built-in alerts and safeguards help you stay on top of everything from NCCI edits and the 8-minute rule to MIPS and the therapy threshold. We’ll also keep you on top of plan-of-care certification and recertification. That way, you—and your therapists—can focus on what really matters: treating and healing your patients.

Access and share patient charts anywhere, anytime—all in one secure system.
Enter, save, and access treatment notes and clinic data from virtually any location with an Internet connection. With our eDoc tool, you can create organized, complete patient records by uploading digitally scanned legacy documents and patient records, diagnostic images (like X-rays and CT scans), patient-signed consent and intake forms, physician referrals, signed Medicare Plans of Care, and digital fax images or PDF files. Need to share a patient’s chart with their physician? Enjoy free, unlimited faxing and emailing of patient notes and documentation branded with your clinic’s logo—directly from the WebPT EMR.
Work within a modern, user-friendly software interface designed by therapists, for therapists.
Physical Therapy EMRs have a bad rap for being outdated and laggy—but they don’t have to be. WebPT’s modern, easy-to-read layout displays completed note sections as you document, providing a real-time view of what the finalized note will look like. The note even auto-scrolls as you move down the page, so you can focus solely on entering important treatment details. Need to switch from progress note to discharge without skipping a beat? No sweat—you can easily change note types on the fly without losing any of the data you’ve entered. Plus, our carry-forward functionality means you start each note with relevant information already stored from the patient’s last visit. Simply add updates as necessary.

Hit the ground running with custom software templates or configure to your heart’s content with advanced profiles.
Easily and dynamically add note content using pre-built templates geared toward rehab therapy and its various subspecialties. Want to save even more time? With advanced profiles, therapists can configure their own protocols—complete with the right mix of tests and fields. They can even add multiple problems, goals, and planned procedures with one click. This—coupled with the fact that WebPT is lightning-fast and user-friendly—makes documentation a breeze.
Breeze through compliance requirements with physical therapy software documentation alerts.
Our intelligent alert functionality lets you know when patient information is incorrect or payer-specific requirements have not been met. Can’t bill more than three units for a particular patient’s insurance? We’ll notify you. Won’t receive reimbursement for therapeutic exercise from a certain payer? We’ll alert you to that, too. You can even create custom alerts for pretty much anything—from patient-specific allergies to heightened fall risk.

See why WebPT is the best Physical Therapy EMR.
So do we.
Us, too.

Learn how WebPT’s PXM Platform can catapult your practice to new heights.
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