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WebPT Helps Finish Line PT Achieve Greatness

Before WebPT, Finish Line PT was using traditional paper charts to keep patient records. Click here to see the success Finish Line PT has had since WebPT.

Erica McDermott
5 min read
December 5, 2013
image representing webpt helps finish line pt achieve greatness
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Earlier this year at Evolve New York, we were lucky enough to meet Finish Line PT owner Michael Conlon, PT and learn how WebPT has helped his clinic reach a new level of success. Today, we thought we’d share his story with you.

Located in the Chelsea neighborhood of Manhattan, Finish Line PT is an outpatient physical therapy clinic that specializes in treating endurance athletes, like runners and triathletes. Since opening its doors in 2006 as a one-man operation, the practice has grown to a staff of 12. And according to Conlon, the key to their success is the mastermind of their CEO, Miles (his ten-year-old golden retriever/yellow lab). Well, that’s one of the keys, anyway.

Before WebPT, Finish Line PT was using traditional paper charts to keep patient records. As the volume of patients increased, however, so did the number of charts and file cabinets, which took up more space than they had. This led to a serious storage issue. “We were a small clinic,” said Conlon. “And we just didn’t have the space for additional file cabinets.”

But it wasn’t just lack of storage space that led Conlon to question the benefits of paper charting. “Our [handwritten] notes were illegible and often incomplete,” he said. “This made it difficult for insurance companies and co-workers to read.”

That’s where WebPT came in. According to Conlon, WebPT’s EMR came fully-stocked with all the essential tools they needed to document and store their patient data. “[WebPT] also offered us an easy and efficient way to fax and email our documents to insurance companies and/or physician offices directly from [the application],” he said. And to top it all off, Conlon said the cost “was very reasonable.”

Since adopting WebPT, Finish Line PT has said goodbye to storage and illegibility concerns. Now, patient notes are always easy to read and easy to find. Plus, Conlon and his team can access and use WebPT on iPads, which enables them to complete their documentation in a timely manner. “With WebPT, days of staying after-hours to complete stacks of charts are a thing of the past.”

In short, Conlon says it’s WebPT’s documentation format that allows his staff to quickly, easily, and efficiently complete daily notes. But the application is also great for his front office staff because WebPT’s eDoc feature allows them to easily save and organize important information (e.g., referrals, test results, and prescriptions) directly within the system, making it readily available and accessible at any time.

So what advice does Conlon have for other therapists considering WebPT for their medical record needs? “Use the technology that WebPT offers you,” he said. “It’s your first step toward a more efficient clinic. The more-than-reasonable monthly cost will save you significant money in terms of reimbursements later. It will also allow your staff to be significantly more [productive] so they can focus on the more important task at hand: patient care.”

We couldn’t have said it better ourselves. Thank you, Michael, Miles, and the rest of the staff at Finish Line PT. We are so grateful to have you as WebPT Members and so happy to know that our services are helping you and your team achieve greatness in therapy practice.


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